3.3 Volt 1602 LCD Raspberry Pi I2C
Most 1602 LCD devices operate on 5 volts and require extra circuitry to work safely with Raspberry Pi GPIO operating on 3.3 volts. Most 1602 display modules can be modified or purchased with the modification to enable them to work with 3.3 volts. However, to use I2C to communicate with most 1602 LCD modules requires attachement of a I2C serial interface board like this unit from HiLetgo, also operating on 5 volts.
There is a new 3.3 volt 1602 LCD module with built in I2C and SPI interface available from Cytron. This module can be wired directly to the Raspberry Pi GPIO pins. Example software is available for MicroPython and Arduino on their website.
The LCM1602A–14 has a pre-soldered 6 pin header. Using the I2C interface only requires 4 connections: VSS ground, VDD 3.3 volts, SDA I2C serial data input & SCK I2C serial clock.
I have created a basic Python driver and demo program for the Raspberry Pi.
If not familiar with using I2C on the Raspberry Pi there is a very good tutorial provided by SparkFun.